(W) 945/gusao (A) 945/gusao (CA) 945/gusao
It's been three years since Eui-joon last saw Gunwoo and there have been a lot of changes. Eui-joon no longer works his punishing graveyard shift at the convenience store, but instead works in sales at a small company where, as the newest employee, he's constantly running errands for his boss. He's even dating again, having found someone who reminds him of Gunwoo, but without all the hang-ups. The days of his whirlwind romance with Gunwoo are far behind him, until he receives a call from an unknown number. What will happen to Eui-joon's new normal if Gunwoo suddenly shows back up in his life?
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 30/04/2025
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