(W) Critical Role
Celebrate a decade ofCriticalRolewith this anthology featuring the perspectives of ten characters who fought alongside-and against-Vox Machina, with a foreword by cast member Liam O'Brien. In these ten stories, see the legendary adventuring party anew through the eyes of some of the most memorable characters whose lives were touched by Vox Machina. Within its pages: Shaun Gilmore reflects on the life he has chosen, as told by Aabria Iyengar. Raishan, racked by a pestilent curse, plots to release the Cinder King from his fiery prison, as told by Rory Power. Trinket the Wonder Bear accompanies the next generation of Vox Machina on their first adventure, as told by Sarah Glenn Marsh. Plus seven more hilarious, heartbreaking, and heroic tales featuring Kaylie, Doty, Kevdak, and more!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 05/03/2025
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