Catálogo Previews CONVERT TP (MR)
(W) John Arcudi (A) Savannah Finley (CA) Savannah Finley
After a catastrophic disaster destroys his ship, a crew member is left to fend for himself on a beautiful but deadly planet in this gorgeously haunting sci-fi/fantasy tale.
Science Officer Orrin Kutela finds himself stranded on a distant planet, starving and haunted by the ghosts of his dead crew. On the verge of death, he makes an astonishing discovery that will forever change his life.
Veteran writer JOHN ARCUDI (RUMBLE, B.P.R.D.) and illustrator SAVANNAH FINLEY bring you a sci-fi/fantasy comic like no other.
Collects CONVERT #1-4
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 05/03/2025
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