
Catálogo Previews COMPLETE OMNI TP (JUL221587)


(W) Devin Grayson, Melody Cooper (A) Alitha Martinez, Chris Bolson, Giovanni Valletta, Cris Bolson, Enid Balam (CA) John Cassaday

What would you do if you could think faster than the speed of light?
Brilliant doctor Cecelia Cobbina, held in the highest regard by peers and patients alike, is caught in a spontaneous ignition of energy from out of nowhere. As it fades, she finds herself with the ability to process thoughts at the speed of light. Now gifted with an intelligence far beyond anything humanity has ever seen, Dr. Cobbina has set out to find and help other "ignited" people the world over, all in search of cracking the mystery behind their new powers.

Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 12/02/2025

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