(W) David M. Booher (A) Vittorio Astone, DC Hopkins (CA) Drew Zucker
Before Canto's journey began, his people had been enslaved, forbidden to have names or to love one another, their hearts taken and replaced with clocks. When Canto secretly fell in love with a clockwork girl, the slavers damaged her clock as punishment. Canto embarked on a fantastical quest to save her. Returning home, Canto learned his people had taken courage from his quest and had overthrown their captors. Canto may not have saved his beloved, but his people were now free. Such precarious freedom did not last. The Shrouded Man struck again, pushing Canto on a new quest to protect his people. Canto traded his own clock to carry the ultimate weapon against the Shrouded Man-the wizard's own heart! Now, the final battle against tyranny looms. With new allies and a weapon to save all of the Unnamed World, Canto will stand tall with all the allies he's gathered and face his evil foe one last time.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 12/03/2025
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