(W) Ursula Murray Husted (A) Ursula Murray Husted
A funny, empowering graphic novel set in Renaissance Italy, following an ambitious young girl's quest to become an apprentice to the famous Sandro Botticelli.
Life as a chicken girl isn't so bad, but Mella wants more. Though girls can't be official apprentices to artists in Florence, Mella has been secretly teaching herself to paint while tending to artist Sandro Botticelli's chickens.
When one of Botticelli's actual apprentices discovers Mella's work, he threatens to take full credit for it. Why does it matter who drew it, if it's good?
With the help of unexpected allies, an important patron, and a tenacious stray dog named Blue, Mella must summon all her courage, smarts, and skills to prove her worth and demand the recognition she deserves.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 12/03/2025
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