Catálogo Previews BLACK CLOAK TP VOL 02
(W) Kelly Thompson (A) Meredith McClaren (CA) Meredith McClaren
The second volume in the Eisner-nominated, delectable sci-fi/fantasy blend returns with an all-new detective procedural shot straight through its heart.
Essex and Pax’s last case brought horrible truths to light and almost leveled the city of Kiros. Now, five years since the “Essex Fire,” Kiros has changed dramatically, and ex-Black Cloak Phaedra Essex is either the city’s greatest hero or greatest villain, depending on who you ask. Meanwhile, Black Cloak Pax has a bloody new case, a rookie partner, and absolutely no leads.
It’s a very bad time for something ancient to have awakened beneath the city.
Collects BLACK CLOAK #7-11
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 19/03/2025
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