(W) Scott Snyder (A) Nick Dragotta (CA) Nick Dragotta
THIS IS IT! CATCH UP TO ARC ONE BEFORE THE START OF ARC TWO! Bruce Wayne, a young man who has built his entire life on leveling up, on becoming a bigger man than both his enemies and the obstacles that stand in his way, will have to break down the Black Mask and his gang of Party Animals. Will he be able to do this without the help of his unlikely new MI6 ally, Alfred Pennyworth? And how do his childhood friends--Edward Nygma, Waylon Jones, Harvey Dent, and Oswald Cobblepot (among others)--play a crucial role in Batman's legacy as Gotham's Vigilante? Absolute Batman's first story arc, The Zoo concludes with this larger-than-life story, while introducing a few new elements to come in arc 2. You'd have to be Absolutely MAD to miss it!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 12/03/2025
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