Catalogue Previews A SINNER OF DEEP SEA TP VOL 03 (MR)
(W) Akihito Tomi (A) Akihito Tomi (CA) Akihito Tomi
"Sinner Jo and boarder guard Akira make an unlikely team-but now their shared suspicion of lord Harujion's "Mermaid Island Operation" has brought them together for a daring mission! Sneaking into lord Harujion's residence, they will risk it all to discover the truth of his wicket plans...
Ryuu, who has let herself become a pawn in the lord's scemes; Jo, who leads the rebellion against him; and Yuki, the human who is tossed in the turbulent waters between them... Where will they all lay when this tsunami of a story crashes into its conclusion!?"
Date de livraison estimée : 19/03/2025
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